Saturday 9 May 2009

Finally, my strawberries are beginning to show sign's of life. After a couple of days of rain, and then glorious sunshine, the whole garden seems to have erupted with life!

I finally admitted defeat with my Tom's and exchanged some sweetcorn plants for Tom plants with a neighbour a few doors down the road. She planted 30 tom seeds, and ended up with 31 plants!! All this size and all this healthy looking.

Finally transplanted my sweetcorn seedlings to their new home, and they each have their own personal space now in the shape of 2lt pop bottles. I shall leave them under there until they reach the tops, then hopefully they will be able to come out and keep growing to their full height.

The Box is looking extremely good, everything is going really well. Bit worried about my radish as some of the leaves are turning yellow.

Might have to call on the Allotment Forum to find out what is happening there and how to stop all the leaves changing.

Here is the Sweet pea that I planted out at Christmas time, It grwe, then stopped for about 2 months, the last couple of days it just seems to have gone crazy!
I have sown some rocket and some cucumber seeds to give them another go, will see how I get on and I will of course keep everyone posted.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Sunny Flowers.

I managed to grab my self some more space in the Yard.

We moved the slabs and gravel about 12inches from the wall and loaded it with multipurpose compost and planted the Sunflowers, French mari
golds and a few other flowers. At least now the Sunflowers will have has much root space as they need and Liam can watch his grow!

Everything is looking amazing now. All the veg has really come to life, and when the old sofa has gone on Wednesday, I can move the Sweet Peas over by the trellis that the sofa is currently in front of, I can also give the Strawberry's in the tumbling baskets the Sunny spot in the garden.

They are growing, but I am a little concerned that friends have flowers on theirs already, and mine still seem very young, but we will see what happens.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

I feel like a Fungi!

Just planted Mushroom 'spawn' for the first time ever. Apparently we will see some 'shrooms in 20-30 day's! We are very excited in the Ria House at this new adventure.

I also sowed some onion seeds (again) also I am trying tomatoes once more. I have tried both these from seed about four times now, so fingers crossed for this time round being a success.

Monday 27 April 2009

Identity Unknown.

Whilst my son and I were busy moving seedlings from their trays in the cold greenhouse, into the SFG, one of the pots contained a foreign visitor:
Any ideas?

On a slightly different note, it seems that The Box had a very pleasant and cat free evening, and has today been soaking up the first rainfall for this month. Everything looks very happy today.

Dare I say, everything looks bigger? I swear that they have grown overnight by some considerable amount!!

Tomorrow brings a challenge to my 'still learning' green fingers. I am going to try leeks for the fourth time. See you all tomorrow Bloggers.

Race against the Rain.

I managed to get everything in before the rains came down! Just been outside to pull everything out of my little tier'd greenhouses so that they can soak up some rain water.

Must remember to go put them all back in soon before the Ninja-SAS-Cat's spot fresh soil and think that I have made them a new place to mess and dig.

Looking forward to the sunshine coming back, as I have a load of flowers to plant out next!

Square Foot Gardening.

I finally managed to finish The Box. All seeds, seedlings and magic mix are in place. Magic netting over the top to stop the Ninja-SAS-Cat's (hopefully).

Sunday 26 April 2009

Let's Build a Box!

Firstly, the wood! I went along to my local B&Q, and after walking around the timber yard 4 times, and not finding any one to ask for help, I went and asked 'John the Joiner'.

A friendly looking man, a Grandad I am guessing, and some one that has been cutting planks of wood in B&Q for more years than I can imagine, and would turn into some demonic monster if any of those work experience boys laid a single finger on his 'Saw'.

Anyway, 'John the Joiner' walked around the timber yard with me, and showed me the wood I would be best using (strange, it wasn't there the first four time I walked around) and then promptly grabbed two 2.4m pieces and walked rather proudly back to his -area- where he quickly chopped them in two, then cut me 4 small pieces of wood to use as corner 'connectors'.

Once Home, I quickly update 'The Boys' on their task, and ran indoors to grab the camera and a cuppa. Supervisory roles are thirsty work!

After some careful directing, and a lot of finger pointing, my
Square Foot Garden finally laid it's head on fresh soil, and after adding some magic mix, some mothballs to fend of those pesky Ninja-SAS-Cats, and some intricately placed netting, The Box is all ready for some seeds, seedlings and plants!

Now, where is my empty cup, I need more coffee and some quiet time to plan my next move in the Battle of the Cat's vs Gardener.