Saturday 9 May 2009

Finally, my strawberries are beginning to show sign's of life. After a couple of days of rain, and then glorious sunshine, the whole garden seems to have erupted with life!

I finally admitted defeat with my Tom's and exchanged some sweetcorn plants for Tom plants with a neighbour a few doors down the road. She planted 30 tom seeds, and ended up with 31 plants!! All this size and all this healthy looking.

Finally transplanted my sweetcorn seedlings to their new home, and they each have their own personal space now in the shape of 2lt pop bottles. I shall leave them under there until they reach the tops, then hopefully they will be able to come out and keep growing to their full height.

The Box is looking extremely good, everything is going really well. Bit worried about my radish as some of the leaves are turning yellow.

Might have to call on the Allotment Forum to find out what is happening there and how to stop all the leaves changing.

Here is the Sweet pea that I planted out at Christmas time, It grwe, then stopped for about 2 months, the last couple of days it just seems to have gone crazy!
I have sown some rocket and some cucumber seeds to give them another go, will see how I get on and I will of course keep everyone posted.

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