Sunday 26 April 2009

Let's Build a Box!

Firstly, the wood! I went along to my local B&Q, and after walking around the timber yard 4 times, and not finding any one to ask for help, I went and asked 'John the Joiner'.

A friendly looking man, a Grandad I am guessing, and some one that has been cutting planks of wood in B&Q for more years than I can imagine, and would turn into some demonic monster if any of those work experience boys laid a single finger on his 'Saw'.

Anyway, 'John the Joiner' walked around the timber yard with me, and showed me the wood I would be best using (strange, it wasn't there the first four time I walked around) and then promptly grabbed two 2.4m pieces and walked rather proudly back to his -area- where he quickly chopped them in two, then cut me 4 small pieces of wood to use as corner 'connectors'.

Once Home, I quickly update 'The Boys' on their task, and ran indoors to grab the camera and a cuppa. Supervisory roles are thirsty work!

After some careful directing, and a lot of finger pointing, my
Square Foot Garden finally laid it's head on fresh soil, and after adding some magic mix, some mothballs to fend of those pesky Ninja-SAS-Cats, and some intricately placed netting, The Box is all ready for some seeds, seedlings and plants!

Now, where is my empty cup, I need more coffee and some quiet time to plan my next move in the Battle of the Cat's vs Gardener.

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