Sunday 26 April 2009

Square Foot Garden

We have a serious cat problem in my Garden. Next doors cats seem to think our small piece of land, my little paved tranquility is their private Litter Tray!

We have tried every conceivable idea, suggestion and piece of advice to stop them, but nothing works. We are having some success with industrial strength mothballs though, so hopefully that is enough to keep them out for a day or two at least.

Beside's this slight set back, we have been introduced to the Square Foot Garden, first invented by a man named Mel Bartholomew. Genius! That is the only word to describe this man! With the limited space we have here, and the amount of damage caused by the cats, we needed to plant en-mass but in a confined area.

What better to do this than in what we loving call The Box (watch this space).

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